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Messages - AlfieLucia

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Carribean / How many countries border Canada?
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:13:41 PM »
How many countries border Canada?

Canada / Romancing The Friends
« on: December 16, 2012, 08:54:39 PM »

You have been dating for a couple of months and believe he may be the one. Both of you have hinted at getting together with friends, and now she is asking you to come to a party this Saturday where many of her close pals will be. You are concerned about making a good (great) impression on these friends who mean so much to your significant other AND who could greatly influence where (if) your relationship goes. After all, they are a large and very tight knit group and your new love has related several "horror" stories about other first meetings that have occurred with this clan.

The main question you are probably asking yourself is, "How can I put my best foot forward and help them get to know the real me?" The answer is simpler than you may think and will require you to shift the focus away from YOU and onto your girlfriend/boyfriend and the relationship the two of you have. You are not in this alone. You have met this right person who means a lot to you and the two of you are going into this as a team. Therefore, working together to prepare for this meeting, presenting a loving and united front to the friends, and demonstrating an openness and interest in his/her life and friends will be all you will need to have a successful beginning. The following tips will put you on the right path to winning acceptance and (perhaps) the beginning of many new friendships.

Don't try too hard. If you become focused on getting them to like you, you will probably come across as insecure, overbearing, too opinionated or just plain narcissistic. Relax and follow their lead as you let them decide what they want to hear/know.

Show an interest in them. This works especially well when you are a little anxious. Ask them questions about their career, interests and where they are from. Encourage them to tell stories about their group and some of the experiences they have shared together. You get to sit back and laugh and enjoy listening to them instead of feeling like you are on an interview.

Go with the flow. This is not the time to counter someone's opinion or to have a lively debate about politics, religion, etc. The last thing you need is to come across as confrontational or controlling, etc.

Don't get defensive. You will be a little sensitive to their words, expressions, etc. and need to be careful to remain neutral and not to take yourself too seriously. If someone says something that hits you wrong or is just downright argumentative, let it go. The others will see you as a good sport who handled that well.

Don't monopolize the conversation. In a first meeting, it is best to present yourself as a good listener who cares about what others have to say.

Join in and offer to provide assistance with preparing, serving or cleaning up a meal or with any tasks that need to be done. Nothing makes you feel more like "family" then rolling up your sleeves and working side by side with the others.

Watch your alcohol intake. It can be tempting to have a few drinks to try and relax; but remember that this can backfire if you have one too many and become sloppy or exhibit poor judgment or bad behavior.

Remember that you and the friends want the same thing- his/her happiness. You have at least one important thing in common- and may find you have many others as well.

As you prepare for this first encounter, make sure you discuss the different people and personalities beforehand with your partner. If there is something they or you should know about beforehand, discuss it so there will be no surprises or ambushes. Then make a plan that covers the where, what and how questions and one that you are both comfortable with. Most importantly, go and have a good time.


Q. I am a 26-year-old male who has been dating a really great girl for several months. We have been talking about meeting each other's friends and eventually, family. I have a few close friends and a number of acquaintances and have thought about arranging a double date or something low key for the first time she meets "my side." She, however, is part of a rather large close-knit "tribe" of (primarily) single men and women who do virtually everything as a group. They are like an extended family and my girlfriend has told me stories about how difficult they have made it on the boyfriends/girlfriends of members of their clan.

I generally relate well to people, but am feeling a little anxious and maybe even defensive at the thought of being scrutinized by a large, rather possessive group like this. Do you have any suggestions as to how we should go about planning this first meeting or what I can do to help ensure that I make a good first impression and find a way to let them know who I really am and how much I care for my girlfriend?

A. First meetings of this nature can be daunting- even under the easiest circumstances. Add to this the stress of knowing that you will be critiqued from head to toe and then voted on as appropriate or inappropriate boyfriend material- and you are facing a challenge that is not for the faint of heart.

The most important thing here is to stay focused on your feelings for your girlfriend and your desire to share her world, relationships, etc. In other words, keep the RELATIONSHIP and its importance to you at the center of your thoughts. This will help to keep you grounded and less likely to be looking only inward at your feelings, anxieties, character flaws, etc. Your girlfriend's opinion is the one that really counts here. When you are a caring, considerate and attentive boyfriend who makes her needs and feelings a priority- she will be happy and her friends will see this.

Some things to keep in mind when interacting with friends in this first meeting are closely related to what I have suggested above. Ask them about themselves. Show an interest in who they are, what they do and like and make an effort to join in with their rituals, traditions and ways of interacting. For when you do this, you will demonstrate that you are a nice guy who thinks about others and who can easily adapt to their likes/dislikes. This will put them at ease with you and speed the feeling that you are becoming part of the gang. Who knows, you may end up valuing them as much as she does and making some new "best" friends.


This issue was written to offer assistance to all of you who have had- or anticipate having- difficulty finding ways to relate to and fit in with a significant other's friends. Remember that it is hard not to like someone who is genuine and a great listener. If you have a problem pattern with this or any other issue that impacts your ability to build and maintain a healthy intimate relationship, consider coaching. We at Consum-mate have years of experience dealing with all issues related to meeting, dating, relating, communicating and consummating relationships.

Mexico / Undressed; The Naked Truth about Love, Sex, and Dating
« on: December 16, 2012, 08:32:13 PM »

In a world where we don't know whether we're dating, courting, hanging out, living together, or just having sex, Jason Illian exposes the naked truth about relationships.

There is magnificent middle ground between "kissing dating good-bye" and "kissing everyone good night," says Jason Illian, who made waves on 2005's The Bachelorette for his outspoken position on sexual integrity. In Undressed, Illian brings a fresh voice and much-needed perspective to the discussion of sex among single adults as he helps readers apply uncompromising moral principles to their dating relationships.

Can single adults embrace their sexuality without sleeping around? Yes, says this national speaker, budding TV personality, and former corporate executive who tackles the controversial issues that make dating so difficult. Undressed helps single adults uncover their hearts and unleash their passions - without compromising their convictions.

Being Whole While Being Torn in Half

"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."

- Oscar Wilde

Somewhere along the way-probably between thinking that the mullet was sexy and that plaid was the new black-we began to believe that it was impossible to have a godly relationship in the Bachelor-watching, Gap-shopping, MTV-styling world. We began to believe that dating was just a training ground for divorce. We had to have either a satisfying relationship with Christ or a romantic relationship with a significant other. But we couldn't have both. It was an either/or dilemma. Watch either The Oprah Winfrey Show or The 700 Club. Read either Cosmo or the Bible. Conform to either the "kiss-dating and- the-hope-of-a-normal-relationship-good-bye" view or the "satisfy-yourself-and-to-hell-with-everyone-else" view. There was no middle ground.

But that just doesn't seem to make sense. Why would a good, compassionate, and faithful God instill such a strong sense of romantic love in our hearts but not give us an outlet to express it? Many of us feel the need to have an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior and a romantic relationship with a significant other. Like a banjo in an orchestra, the either/or concept just doesn't sound right.

The reason it doesn't sound right is because it isn't right. It is wrong. And I don't mean kind of wrong. I mean pinkspandex, 140-decibal Marilyn Manson wrong! Our God isn't an either/or God. He is a God of both/and. He desires for you to have an intimate relationship with Him and a romantic relationship with another. Your heart was not designed to love God one way and your partner another. They are not mutually exclusive, but instead, divinely complementary. Romantic love is built on the precepts of God's unconditional love. You can be madly in love with another because you are madly loved by God. You can have both. In fact, Christ exemplified the strength of His both/and power by being all God and all human at the same time.

It's not that all of our relationships up to this point have been wrong; they just haven't necessarily been right. We have a foundation, but it is just a little shaky right now. Sex is not a basic human need like food, water, and shelter-I've seen a person die of malnutrition, but I've never seen a person keel over in the middle of the street because of his lack of sex. Communication is not the most difficult part of a relationship- the most difficult part is learning to forgive and forget when communication breaks down. Dating is not a training ground for divorce-it is an integral and important part of any healthy relationship. Successful couples never stop dating, even fifty years into marriage.

The problem is that in many Christian circles we've made dating one of the seven deadly sins. The Bible doesn't talk about dating, we argue. Well, it doesn't specifically talk about the automobile either, but you don't see people trudging their way to work on foot in the morning. Dating is about relating to other people. When you learn to relate, you learn to love. And when you learn to love others, you put yourself in a position to be loved by others. Dating is the training ground for loving, and when it is based on Christ-centered principles, you develop a fantastic, satisfying, and (dare I say it?) sexually fulfilling relationship that glorifies God.

There are fundamental truths that are evident throughout Scripture that help us navigate the rugged terrain of romance. We just need to know how to read the roadmap. But in order to go forward, you have to be willing to change how you think about relationships. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, yet we continue to date in the same unproductive ways.1 You have to be open and honest in assessing who you are and what you desire if you wish to experience a love that is unconditional. There are many ways to fill a life, but there are relatively few ways to fulfill it.

Feelin' a Little Dissed

It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or atheist. We all want to love and be loved. But in a world where we don't know whether we are dating, wooing, courting, hanging out, flirting, sharing, living together, or just having sex, the lines blur awfully quickly. We're like a zipper on an overpacked suitcase-fighting to hold everything together and praying that our hearts don't just burst open.

If you have surfed the covers of Playboy and Cosmo, taken every personality and compatibility test written in English (and some that weren't), and sat in enough smoky bars to be mistaken for furniture, I can relate. Whether you are from New York or Knobnoster, Milwaukee or Miami, Denver or Dallas, I think it is fair to say that we've been "dissed" when it comes to finding love. There has been disappointment and disillusionment. We feel distance and disbelief. We are discouraged and dissatisfied. Our hearts have been utterly dismantled. We have been fooled into playing a game of musical chairs where the music is Jaws and the chairs are already full.

But it doesn't have to be like that. Whether you are liked, loved, or lonely, you can find a passion so soaring, so apparently transcendent that it will whisk you into love's warm embrace. If you are anything like myself-and I fear that many of you are-the love that you have experienced up to this point in your life has been prepackaged, precut, marketed, illuminated, boxed, and sold by the company with the highest budget or made by the company with the lowest bid. Great if you are trying to make a movie, but terrible if you are trying to make a life.

The love that I speak of is a "re" love. It wants you to return to the time when your heart was tender and your thoughts were pure. It wants to restore the dreams of Prince Charmings, sale-priced stilettos, fat-free chocolate bars, daily spa treatments, and engagement rings the size of large foreign fruit. It wants to renew your faith in a love that will last forever ... instead of just through the first date. It wants you to receive all the things you've ever wanted but never had. This kind of love will take you back to the land of milk and honey as opposed to the land of "Remember to pick up the milk, honey!"

But in order to go there, you have to be willing to date and love differently. Our reckless whatever-works-for-me, whatever- I-can-get-out-of-this, whatever-gets-me-a-little-action approach has to stop right now. We have to stop believing that our friends have all the answers and that God has none. If you are not willing to believe that God is love-not that God has love, or gives love, but is love-then don't bother reading on. Just take this book, prop it under the wobbly leg of your bed, and go back to doing business the old way.

Seth chose to do business the old way. I first met Seth about seven years ago in college. At the time, he was caught in the destructive cycle of sleeping with a different girl whenever the urge arose. Handsome and articulate, Seth was a catch by almost any girl's standards. But he was unhappy. Like most of us, he desired intimacy but he was foolishly substituting it with sex. When we talked about God's design for love and romance, he was curious and receptive, but it was obvious that he wasn't about to step out in faith and exercise a little self-discipline. Ironically, I ran into Seth again a couple months ago, and you know what? He is still miserable. He has a great job and a nice home, but what he truly desires-the heart of a godly woman-seems like a distant dream. Even though his dating strategy has failed time and time again, he still wants to do things his way.

Do you really think that God would tell us about a joy that encompasses all sorrows and a prayer that can move mountains, but when it comes to talking about love and romance, He would remain completely silent? Do you think He has just tossed sex into our laps like a hand grenade and said, "Fiddle with it a little while; you'll figure it out"?

If the Creator of the Universe is concerned with every hair on your head-which for some aging singles doesn't give God too much to worry about-I would argue that He is more than concerned with your personal and romantic relationships. We often forget that Christianity isn't just a religion. It isn't just a set of rules or a list of dos and don'ts. It is a deep, intimate, personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. Who better to ask about relationships than the One who not only created them but also cultivates and nurtures them to this day?

Canada / My Pen at Hand
« on: December 16, 2012, 08:30:26 PM »
Right from the tip of my pen to the leave of my note, through the keys of my computer down to the screen flows powerful and provoking thoughts, words that can not find expression verbally is better put down in writing, so that it can travel far into the length and breath of every soul and heart that comes in contact with it.

My pen is my tool, it is my cannon that shoots out wisdom, who ever stands in its way could be hit, who ever listens and connect with the power behind it, will be transformed..

When I hold my pen, my mind and soul opens, when I use my pen, gates and barriers are shattered.. Who can stop my pen, no one, only my fear and limitation can. I have fought them, that is why inspiration and ideas flows through it effortlessly...

The effect an electric current has on the body is not different from the effect a taste and feel of what my pen dishes out has on the mind and soul of men and women.

A thief feels empowered when holding a gun, a president feels untouchable when guided by the constitution, a father is in control when he still provides for his family, that is how I am so invinsible when I am with my pen, you can not see me, but you can feel me, you can not touch me, but you can imagine me there, I don't get carried away, or try to feel like a divine creature, even though my techniques are sublime, I still stay in line, stay focused, so that I can always pour out my heart when ever it is heavy...

Through my pen, I purge my soul and free my mind, through my pen I am going to liberate the world, through my weapon I am going to destroy those who hate to hear the truth, though my beautiful pen, I am going to have access into every heart that opens up its door, through my pen the world will know and listen to me cause I have lots of things to say... The fear of the unknown can be killed using my pen...

Nigeria / Significance of Alcohol and Drug Treatment
« on: December 16, 2012, 07:21:03 PM »
Significance of Alcohol and Drug Treatment

Alcohol and drugs have developed and prospered as major evils of the society all around the world. The latest trend seems to be to do drugs and drink alcohol just for fun. Just like the hottest fashion trends, this seems to be the 'in' thing. Majority of people get into the habit due to peer pressure and either get captivated or thankfully fall out of it.

Fast paced life style and other pressures of life lead to increased preference for drugs and alcohol. Today's society is filled with stress and leads people to search for what is unconventional to release their strain.

This hunt for de-stressing methods leads them to doing drugs and drinking alcohol in large measures and they later find it hard to discontinue their habit. In the end they succumb to this pattern and start searching for external help to overcome the addiction. Alcohol and Drug treatment is being sought after extensively these days.

Recognition of the crisis is an important first step towards rehabilitation and is counted as the first constructive step. Once a person realizes that he/she is dealing with a dreadful issue of drug or alcohol addiction, then they should seek and find a fine alcohol and drug treatment center as early as possible.

If an addict does not go into rehab what is likely to happen? His life is already on a downward spiral. He has probably lost friends and his family too are concerned that he is causing so much trouble to himself and to them. As he moved deeper and further into addiction he will lose touch with reality. He will lose his job and means of income. He will turn into a derelict. From then on the only escape is death or getting treated at a rehab and recovering enough to lead a normal life. Alcohol and drug treatment centers recreate life for him.

Left to fend for himself an addict is most likely to turn to solitude, become a recluse and a pariah. Crime becomes more attractive as a way to get what he needs. Jail is not far away. Alcohol and drug treatment centers take him and change him from the core into a living, pulsating productive individual with a zen and zest for life.

Most alcoholics and drug addicts will have poor health and still poorer mental health. They exist. They do not live. By extricating them from the coils of addiction alcoholism and drug treatment centers enable him to feel, to sense, to breathe the fresh air and to live life as it should be lived.

If an addict continues surely he poses a menace to society and someone or the other is going to be harmed or hurt or even killed. Alcoholic and drug treatment centers stop him in his tracks, reverse his behavioral patterns and thought processes and infuse him with the positive aspects of life. They serve society by removing possibilities and threats of danger posed by addicts.

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